Arrival in Linz

Yesterday we left Pula, and we made around 600 km. until we reached Linz in Austria. The trip was full of surprises, as it always happens with our dear van Romeo... this time it was Romeo's roof which threatened us with detaching itself from the main body. But a quick and dirty american-tape fix was enough to reach our next destination. Crossing the border as usual was a little bit a waste of time, Romeo keeps attracting the attention of custom officers even if he's the most unharmful van of all times. 

Anyway, after a whole day's driving, we managed to make it to Linz, where we were warmly received by the people of the Infoladen Treibsand collective. With enormous pleasure, we discovered that the majority of the people here in Linz are very much technically aware, and most of them use Debian GNU/Linux as their operating system. The city is covered with snow and it is a very cold temperature, so we spend a lot of time in the house and in cafés while we wait for saturday afternoon, when we will start setting up the party in Kapu. Which, by the way, looks like an extremely cool place.